Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Alexander Defense

Made my first transfer with Alexander Defense today.

It was pretty cool.

The guy's name is James and he seems like a nice dude.

I felt like a bit of a dumbass though because I drove almost all of the way home before I realized that I had totally forgotten to pay him the transfer fee!!!

I drove back and gave the money to his daughter because she said he wasn't home, that he had gone to pick up pizza.

I did get a hold of him on facebook though to make sure that he knew I hadn't totally forgotten.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mother Theresa

I heard a story that I want to write down so I remember.

I might not be getting this right, but the gist of the story is that Mother Theresa was walking with a reporter who was trying to interview her.

She saw a poor homeless man covered in disease and dying in the gutter.

She jumped down into the sewage filled gutter and started wiping the puss from his wounds and comforting him as he died.

The reporter was trying as hard as he could to not vomit and said "I wouldn't do that for a million dollars".

Without missing a beat, Mother Theresa said "Neither would I.  Neither would I."

UBA Logbook entry 234121

Continued the Against the Giants modules last night,

It had been months since we had played last so it took us a bit to get up to speed.

Chad had pulled a hilarious joke on me!!

He had listed the start time in the event plan as 5 PM, I ended up running late and getting there around 6:20 PM and was really worried that I was holding the game up.  But when I showed up, there was no one there and I couldn't figure it out.

Then Chad told me that he had told everyone else to be there by 7 PM and let me think that game started at 5 so that even though I would be late, we could all still start at the right time!!!

And you might think that this would end up being the one time that I would pull off being on time, or even early, but not so!!!!  True to form I was almost an hour and a half late!!

Hahahahahahaha!!!!  I am still laughing about that now!!!  Genius!!

Fun game!!!  I will post Chad's Dungeon Master Notes later!!

CHAD's RUGER!!! 23 APR 2017

Went shooting with Chad today.

It was his first time out with his brand new Ruger 9E.

He was so excited and had been looking forward to it for months.

I brought a pile of other guns, but Chad was having none of it.  He just wanted to spend quality time with his baby!!

I can't blame him there.

The day ended up being a mixed bag.

Chad had a lot of trouble with limp wristing, and kept on getting failure to feeds as a result.

He was super happy and had a great time though so I hope we end up making this into a regular thing.

Afterwards we went to Perkins and ate giant plates of breakfast food.

We talked about Sara, and our situations in life, and the future.

A good time altogether!!