Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Weird Disease of Leftism

One of the strangest things that I have noticed is how strongly the Left rejects the libertarian scale of government.

Let me explain.

Normally the Left is full of hate and casts themselves as the only decent, good people and the Right or any freedom loving people as the worst type of monsters.   Since they draw such huge (and largely imaginary) differences, they have to see anyone else as the "other".

They have to portray them as being as different as possible.

Now even as a kid I noticed that there were some layers of overlap.  Some are just tactical (in a democracy people often work together to get bills passed).

But some seemed to be items of genuine agreement.

When this happens, the Left always downplays it and pretends like it is one of the few times that monsters come close to behaving like humans.

But I couldn't help but notice that this seemed weird, and that the agreement indicated a point where they were both on the same political location.

It was never on something that there was only ONE option.  So if there were other options and these "two" sides agreed, then they are occupying the same place.

It seemed that there must be a different scale that took into consideration this location as well as the others that could potentially be believed.

It wasn't until I started reading about libertarianism that I started becoming familiar with a different scale.

This one was based on a percentage.

The percentage of private society that was controlled by the government.

The easiest way to imagine it is to see Communists at 100%.

Anarchists at 0%.

Nazis and Fascists at 60-80%

and Democrats and Republicans at 40-60%.

Once you look at this scale and understand what it means, then it becomes obvious that libertarians generally tend to be anywhere from about 10-15% all the way down to 0%.

Now once I found this and understood it, it was immediately intuitive, and I was really surprised that it isn't taught in schools.

This really was an easy way to conceptualize what the Founding Fathers were trying to do with the Constitution.

They knew that as Government's share of the pie grew larger, that tyranny and suffering were certain to follow.

Now the funny thing with that was - most Leftists instinctively ignore this percentage way of looking at it.  

It's not even like they deny it, they just change the subject, or start shouting insults.

The other - even MORE funny thing about it - is that when this comes up, this is the only time that they ever hold themselves close to "right-wing" people or Republicans.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Milo At Berkeley

Last night Milo's event at Berkeley ended in massive amounts of violence assaults and arson.  Milo had to be evacuated.

I ended up posting a ton of stuff online and getting in a long argument with Anthony Noon but it ended pretty well.

Yesterday I visited Lisa and went to CL.

I told Lisa about the big Turn Down with Kim last weekend and I think it really impressed Lisa quite a bit.

CL was pretty good and I talked about how the weirdest thing about overcoming sin was how anti-climatic it is.  How it feels like you are offered to go to a great party, but choose to stay at home doing homework instead.

I explained how even if you know that you are doing what is right, that it feels like you are missing out on something.

How it sucks, but you have to do it because you know it is right, and slowly and surely you get better at it.

Sort of like cardio.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Drill Phone Book

I need to go around and talk to every section and find out how many phones they need.

Monday, January 30, 2017

30JAN17 Roundup

Mondays suck.

But this one wasn't too bad.  It is over 32 degrees in January in Minnesota.

That is pretty nice.

Trump fired the acting Attorney General.  An Obama appointee who was refusing to do her job.  Of course leftist heads are popping.

I can't go on social media for more than a few minutes at a time without breaking into fits of laughter!!

Chad is really interested in his new toy and going around getting everything he needs for it.   I will probably try to go down next weekend to have fun.

I am interested in starting reloading.  Dan K on facebook and Kevin R both highly recommend Dillion presses.  I need to look into those to find out how much I need to save up.