Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Monday, September 19, 2011

1 year left, Barry is trying to call it quits

This last week or two, I am almost getting sick of talking about Obama.  It seems like he is finding every way he can to shoot himself in the foot. 

His new "Son of Stimulus" plan is dead on arrival, and to compound the damage it is doing to him, he just announced that if he ever got it passed, he would pay for it by raiding the last few successful businesses in America. 

This guy just doesn't get it.

At least Clinton understood that it is all about the economy.  Barry is ruining our country, and it is getting to the point where he is the only guy left standing who doesn't understand that his policies have failed. 

He keeps doubling down on these crazy ideas: like the best way to help the economy is to ruin businesses with more regulations and taxes.  Like the best way to help jobless people is to hamstring the people who might give them jobs. 

This is turning into a one man depression.  He took the little recession he inherited, and has expanded it to every sector of our country. 

The truly scary thing is that he has made our country so vulnerable at a time when the world economy is at the tipping point.  Normally if Europe went off the deep end, we would be able to float them until they got their act together.  But right now, they are in such bad shape, that it is going to get messy; the only question is how messy it will get.  And unfortunately, not only can we not be any help, but because of what Obama has done to our economy, Europe very well might take us down when they fall. 

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