Herman Cain is doing very well. He has really been the primary beneficiary of Rick Perry's crash and burn. It is good to see Cain taking such a commanding position, because there is always the attraction of a candidate who has never been in politics before.
It just seems like such a stretch. I have heard the term before that the Presidency is not an entry level position, and I think it has a lot of truth to it. I honestly do think Cain would do a much better job then Obama, or for that matter, any Democrat. But I don't just want someone to do better then a Democrat, I want someone who can change the paradigm of modern politics. I want a revolutionary who will stop the regressive policies of the last 80 years, and get us back on track for success.
Unfortunately, I just don't see Cain as that guy. I think he could get a lot done, and be a positive force for good in Washington, but I don't see him transforming the debate. I just see him making good points on our side, a few big chunks of legislation, and 10-15 years down the road, we are arguing over the same things we are today.
I do like him more then Romney, though. At least Cain is standing up for the right things. Romney is just making excuses to look good, and be just conservative enough to aquire power. I don't really think he believes enough of it to ever be our candidate.
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