Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Josh's wife tried to flame me yesterday.

It was on a video that was explaining that taxation is theft.

At first Kevin Reynolds countered her quite a bit.   Then I got involved.

Then Steve Browne and Josh Anderson started arguing with her.

The last I saw was Jum trying to say that theft and rape shouldn't ever be compared and Josh Anderson of course said that  - - well since they often both lead to death, it kind of makes sense.

At that point I had to take off because of cardio and then CL.

By the time I got home, she had deleted the entire thread.

I don't know if it kept going after I left or not.  

I feel really bad for her and how she humiliated herself like that.   She really should have known better, but I suppose sometimes pride gets the best of people.

The funny thing is that it was just two days before drill.   Now I have all weekend hanging out with Josh.

Probably going to be a little weird, but oh well.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Today was actually a pretty crappy day.  It is a Sunday and I have drill next weekend so I had a ton of things that I need to get done and I planned on getting them done this weekend.

Of course none of that happened.  I didn't even do cardio or go to the range.

Really being a lazy piece of crap this weekend.

I did get to confession on Saturday, and Mass today, and saw Dan there.  So not completely wasted.

What I did do is watch Shadowlands.   I have had that movie in the DVD drive of my laptop for months planning to watch it but I never did.

When I finally did watch it, it really sucked.   The C.S. Lewis character reminded me of myself in so many different ways, and even in his flawed, late in life, half assed, broken sort of way of trying to reach out and truly connect to someone else - it made me realize that I share so many of the characteristics with that character, and yet I probably couldn't even do what he did.  The relationship that he did have was to a dying woman after her terminal diagnosis and it was late in his life, when he was in his 50's or 60's.

It was pretty crappy.  He obviously had achieved more then I ever will in life (Oxford professor and famous author) and still it all ended like.......................

Basically without answer.  To love is to suffer, and that is better then to never really love at all.