Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

CPAC extravaganza!!!!!!

Awesome speeches this year by Allen West, Marco Rubio, and best of all, Newt Gingrich!!!

Newt really knocked it out of the park this year.  CPAC really is his home crowd so it is no suprise that he does so much better telling them what they all agree on then Romney trying so desperately to fit in that he brags about being a "severely conservative" governor.

The enthusiasm is out there, it really just seems like we need to get Romney out of the way so that either Newt or Rick can rally the base around them, and capitalize on all of Obama's failures.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Great Background on the Inspiration of the Gingrich Campaign

National Review allows a nugget of truth to slip thru their fog of Romney propoganda:


Caucus Night - Mixed Blessings

I got the chance to speak at my caucus last night.  I gave the speech for Newt Gingrich.  Unfortunately my charisma didn't carry the night.  Santorumm won big in Minnesota.  I was still elected as the delegate from my precinct.

I am sad that Newt did so poorly here, especially right after he visited and gave such as exciting speech.

On the other hand I am happy that Romney was walloped so thoroughly!!!!

I am not opposed to Santorum, and if it was a race between him and Gingrich, I would view the race as a win/win. 

I do think that Newt has better ideas, and a proven track record of significantly changing Washington at it's core, which is exactly what we need right now.

Interesting Tidbit

VOTE TOTALS thus far:
ROMNEY 1,182,886
GINGRICH 838,102
SANTORUM 568,723
PAUL 335,951

This is after the Santorum Hat trick where he won in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado.

Mitt Romney in his own words


Jonah Goldberg Disgraced

For as long as I have loved Jonah Goldbergs work at National Review, it came as a serious dissapointment when he wrote that painful missive endorsing Romney.  The American Spectator does a good job of putting this in perspective:


Truth, lies and Afghanistan - February 2012 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

It is about time we have someone speak honestly about what is going on in Afghanistan.

Truth, lies and Afghanistan - February 2012 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

This Lt. Col. will probably be punished, and will definitely be ruled out for any possible promotion, but he is the one who is truly living up to the Army values.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My First Caucus!!

I am sitting in the auditorium of my local high school waiting for this to begin.

There are tons of Ron Paul groupies from the local university.

I have never been to a caucus before and this is an interesting experience.

All the people here seem really nice and decent.

Hopefully they all Root For Newt in Minnesota!!!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Caucus Night In Minnesota

Minnesota caucus night will be held on Tuesday February 7th.

I know mngop.com has one of those calculators that you just have to type in your address and they will tell you exactly where to go for your caucus.

It actually looks like right now MN might go for Santorum, but I am hoping Newt beats out Romney one way or the other.

I am actually volunteering to give the speech stumping for Newt at my local caucus.  I am kind of excited about it.  It has been a long time since I have been actively involved in a campaign.  Should be fun!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Giants Win!!!!

Giants beat the Patriots in an exciting final quarter drive.

They start off the game with a lead, but the Patriots fulfill expectations by playing with ruthless efficiency on both offense and defense.  The Pats take the lead, and immediately start to try to run the clock out.

The Giants come back in the last 3 minutes!!!  Then there is the exciting final 57 seconds where the Giants defense does everything it takes to stuff Tom Brady!!!

The Giants really are "giant-killers" by knocking off the Evil Empire twice in four years!!!!


It has finally arrived, and I can't wait!!!

My fiance has lined up what she calls a "10 course meal made up entirely of snack and junk foods for this special occasion". 

My only regret is that I can't drink beer because I have an interview insanely early tommorow morning!!!

As Newt said - "Go Giants"!!!

They are the only ones left to defeat the Evil Empire (New England).