Guns, Dungeons&Dragons, Catholic, Libertarian, booklover, weird sense of humor, and lifelong soldier.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vikings Choke. Dog bites Man.

20 point lead.  20 to nothing.  20 point lead. 

Game in the bag.

Just don't mess it up. 


How does that happen??? 

Even as it is transpiring before your eyes, it just feels like some kind of sick joke.  Like they are going to call "Fooled You!!"  and go back to the regular game.

But no.  They have done it again.

26-23.  Vikings lose.

Central MN TEA Party

I went to another Tea Party event last weekend.  It was pretty good.  They had a guest speaker. I can't remember his name right now, but he had spent a few terms in the Minnesota State Senate, and had been the Minnesota Republican candidate for Governor back in 1994.

The speech was pretty good.  He went into a lot of detail explaining a UN education program called IB for International Baccalaureate.  It is sliming it's way into our schools as we speak, and schools sign off to teach our kids to be "citizens of the world" and to teach "United Nations values and beliefs". 

Many of the people in the crowd were teachers or retired teachers, and said that this is a legitimate problem.  It started after I graduated high school, so I was completely unfamiliar with it. 

It did seem like something that people should be concerned with, but I just couldn't get excited about it.  To be honest, I think we should have pulled out of the UN back when the Berlin Wall fell.  That should be our main focus.  The longer we stay in this group that has shifted its focus to trying to hurt us and Israel, the longer they can claim some legitimacy.  These guys are chumps, losers and thugs.  There is absolutely no excuse for us sticking around pretending like they are respectable.

As far as the education aspect goes, I actually agree with Ron Paul when he says that we need to just get rid of the Dept. of Education.  American kids were some of the best educated in the world until 40 years ago when we started the Dept. of Education, and created govt standards for govt schools that  forced every single kid to fall into the lowest common denominator.  Every year we have had the Dept. of Education, it has consistantly failed.  Every year it has gotten worse.  It is time to stop rewarding failure, and turn the education of children back over to the people who do it best-- their parents and communities. 

Seems to make sense to me, right?  We tried that and it worked well,  thought this would work better, but it hasn't.  So why in the world would we not go back to what works???  It is just stubbornness and powerhoarding that keeps us from doing right by our kids.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama's Economy

Hallmark is now starting a line of cards expressing sympathy for getting laid off. 

Anyway, Contagion......

Back to my earlier post about Contagion.

It was a pretty good movie.  Spent most of its time tracking the progress of the disease and concentrating on the medical details and implications.  It didn't focus much on the huge effect it would have on day to day life in America.  It mainly used that as a backdrop for its story of CDC personnel trying to contain it. 

This was a good movie, and I am suprised that more movies like this aren't released.  It was very accurate to what is a likely scenerio in our future. 

I think Hollywood really drops the ball by not making more movies based on real life possibilities.  Imagine all the movies that could be made about the repercussions of a shake up in power in Iran, North Korea, or Pakistan!!!   Or WMD terrorism!!  Or EMP strikes!! 

The obvious one right now would be economic collapse.  There are a million ways they could go with that, and it would have topical appeal as well as the old post apocalyptic zing!! 

People like to see stories that have something to do with whats going on in their lives.  Or what might happen in their lives.  I know that I would love to see that kind of stuff a lot more then one more retread of a movie that was popular 30 years ago, a super hero movie, or some fantastical CGI special effects blockbuster. 

So I think Contagion was a step in the right direction.  It sheds some light on what the CDC does ALL THE TIME, and what might happen if they slip up, or just run into something they aren't prepared for. 

It was only about 4 generations ago that tens of millions of people died from influenza.  Even if something big didn't hit America, it is a matter of time before it hits somewhere in the globe. 

So, if anyone else has seen this movie and has something to say about it, or some other movie in the same genre, let's hear it!!

Some cool links!

Here are some great sites to check out:



Always good for thought!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I had a great night last night!!  my fiance and I went out to eat, and then we went and watched the new movie Contagion.

It was a pretty good movie.  I liked how comprehensive it was and how it didnt get too caught up in the melo drama.

oppps,  i will get back to this later!!!